Message from the Principal
Mr. MM Mdunyelwa
Welcome to the Eastern Cape CET College, where we are committed to the pursuit of excellence and prioritizing community education and training for sustainable development.
We strive to ensure that our mission and values are lived out everyday in our college. Our programmes are accessible to everyone in our community including people with disabilities. The development and welfare of every individual is central in all that we do. We offer relevant educational skills to our community, skills that will help them in their education level as well as increase employment opportunities. We have the following programmes:
- Literacy & Numeracy Programmes
- Amended Senior Certificate (Matric rewrite)
- Occupational (Skills) Programmes
- Non Formal (Skills) Programmes
These programmes are specifically designed to enable our learners to reach their full potential academically as well as reaching their personal goals. We are committed into providing service excellence through our educational programmes stated above. We encourage transparency, accountability, discipline and team work.
In the Eastern Cape CET College we strongly believe that: “One can never be too old for education!”
Executive Management
When the College was established, it only had the Acting Principal who was later (early 2017) appointed as the fulltime Principal. After the appointment of the Principal in 2017, the following additional staff members were appointed:
- Deputy Principal Corporate Services
- Deputy Principal Academics Services
- Personal Assistance to the Principal
- Senior Admin Officer and
- Deputy Principal Finance
- Assistant Director Admin (only appoint late in 2018)
The College has been operating with the above personnel until later in 2017, the Department appointed interns to assist the above staff. In addition to the above permanent staff are the lecturing staff as indicated in table 1 above. These are appointment on renewable year on year contracts. The Department is currently working on finalising the Community Colleges Funding and Staffing norms.
College Principal
To provide effective and efficient community education and training
Managing the College’s main divisions
- Academic services
- Corporate services
- Academic services
Deputy Principal
To provide Academic Services
Implement academic/general programmes services
Conduct monitoring and evaluation on education & training development to delivery sites
Management of community learning centres
Deputy Principal
To Manage Corporate Services
Provide human resources management and development services
Provide auxiliary services
The provision of information communication and technology services
Deputy Principal
To Manage Financial Services
Manage, facilitate and provide financial management services
Manage, facilitate and provide supply chain and asset management services