AET Level 4/NQF1
- One Official Language
- Mathematical Literacy or
- Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
CORE (Compulsory)
Life Orientation
ELECTIVES (choose one stream)
SCIENCE (minimum of TWO learning areas)
- Applied Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
- Ancillary Health Care
- Additional Language
- Information Communications Technology
- Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- Natural Sciences
- Technology
2 COMMERCE (minimum of TWO learning areas)
- Additional Language
- Early Childhood Development
- Economic and Management Sciences
- Information Communications Technology
- Small Medium Micro Enterprise
- Travel and Tourism
- Wholesale and Retail
3 GENERAL (minimum of TWO learning areas)
- Ancillary Health Care
- Additional Language
- Arts and Culture
- Early Childhood Development
- Human and Social Sciences
- Information Communications Technology
- Small Medium Micro Enterprise
- Wholesale and Retail
AET Sub level 1-3
Sublevel 1- Numeracy
- Communication
Sublevel 2- Numeracy
- Communication
Sublevel 3- Numeracy
- Communication
- Intergrated Studies
- Senior Certificate
- Amended) NQF 4
- Caters for students who did not complete
- Grade 12 or NQF 4
- Offers Curriculum Assessment
- Polio Statement
- (CAPS) subjects
- Subject offerings vary from each community Learning Centre